Source code for acqpack.mfcs

from acqpack import utils as ut

import time
import yaml
from ctypes import *

DLL_PATH = 'mfcs_64.dll'

# TODO: 
# - config file vs chanmap_path
# - which device
# - kwargs/channel default in read, set, pid?
[docs]class Mfcs: """ Class to control the MFCS-EZ. """ def __init__(self, config_file, chanmap_path): with open(config_file) as file: self.config = yaml.load(file) self.config['conversion_to_mbar'] = float(self.config['conversion_to_mbar']) # ensure conversion factor is float self.dll = cdll.LoadLibrary(DLL_PATH) # load dll (i.e. MFCS API) self.c_status = c_char() # placeholder for status self.c_serial = c_ushort(0) # placeholder for serial number self.detect() self.connect() self.load_chanmap(chanmap_path) def __del__(self): self.exit()
[docs] def detect(self): """ Detects up to 8 connected MFCS devices; returns serial numbers of connected devices. :return: (list) detected MFCS serial numbers as ints """ c_table = (c_ushort*8)(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) c_error = self.dll.mfcsez_detect(byref(c_table)) return [sn for sn in c_table if sn != 0]
[docs] def connect(self): """ Initializes the MFCS. Makes connection, checks status, and sets the PID alpha parameter of all channels to 2. """ self.handle = self.dll.mfcsez_initialisation(self.config['serial_number']) time.sleep(0.6) # wait to check serial c_error = self.dll.mfcs_get_serial(self.handle, byref(self.c_serial)) if self.c_serial.value == 0: # serial==0 means no connection print('Error: Could not connect to MFCS') self.exit() else: print('MFCS initialized. SN: {}'.format(self.c_serial.value)), ALPHA_DEFAULT) s, status = self.status() time.sleep(0.1) if s != 1: print('Warning: Connected to MFCS, but status not normal. Status {}: {}'.format(s, status))
[docs] def status(self): """ Gets and returns status of the MFCS. 0: 'MFCS is reset - press "Play"' 1: 'normal' 2: 'overpressure' 3: 'need to rearm' :return: (tup) status int [0-3], status string """ statuses = {0: 'MFCS is reset - press "Play"', 1: 'normal', 2: 'overpressure', 3: 'need to rearm'} c_error = self.dll.mfcs_get_status(self.handle, byref(self.c_status)) k = ord(self.c_status.value) return k, statuses[k]
[docs] def pid(self, chan, a): """ Sets alpha parameter of the PID controller for the given channel. Lower values of alpha (1-2) are typically more stable at lower pressures, but take slightly longer to equilibrate. For some reason, the python kernel would crash when 'channel' and 'alpha' were used as keywords. C-types... :param chan: (int) channel [1-4] to set; 0 sets for all channels :param a: (int) desired alpha value for PID """ c_error = self.dll.mfcs_set_alpha(self.handle, chan, a)
[docs] def load_chanmap(self, chanmap_path): """ Stores channel map. :param chanmap_path: (str) path to chanmap """ self.chanmap = ut.read_delim_pd(chanmap_path)
[docs] def exit(self): """ Safely closes the MFCS. First closes device connection, then releases the DLL. """ try: c_error = self.dll.mfcs_get_serial(self.handle, byref(self.c_serial)) if self.dll.mfcs_close(self.handle): # Close communication port print('Closed connection to device with SN {}'.format(self.c_serial.value)) else: print('Failed to close connection to device with SN {}'.format(self.c_serial.value)) except IOError: print('MFCS connection error: {}'.format(c_error)) finally: windll.kernel32.FreeLibrary(self.dll._handle) # Release the DLL del self.dll print('MFCS library released')
[docs] def set(self, lookup_cols, lookup_vals, pressure=0.0): """ Sets pressure of specified channel. :param lookup_cols: (str | list) column(s) to search in chanmap :param lookup_vals: (val | list) value(s) to find in lookup_cols :param pressure: (float) desired pressure; units specified in config file """ channel = ut.lookup(self.chanmap, lookup_cols, lookup_vals)[['channel']].iloc[0] channel = int(channel) mbar = pressure * self.config['conversion_to_mbar'] c_error = self.dll.mfcs_set_auto(self.handle, channel, c_float(mbar))
[docs] def read(self, lookup_cols, lookup_vals): """ Reads current pressure of the channel. :param lookup_cols: (str | list) column(s) to search in chanmap :param lookup_vals: (val | list) value(s) to find in lookup_cols :return: (float) current pressure; units specified in config file """ pressure = c_float() timer = c_ushort() channel = ut.lookup(self.chanmap, lookup_cols, lookup_vals)[['channel']].iloc[0] channel = int(channel) c_error = self.dll.mfcs_read_chan(self.handle, channel, pointer(pressure), pointer(timer)) mbar = pressure.value return mbar/self.config['conversion_to_mbar']